Michigan State Fair | Sept 19, 1936

The World’s Kitchen Log – 9/19/36
By Mrs. Sam P. McBirney

The other afternoon, I found myself with nothing pressing to do and passing the Michigan State fair in full blast. So I stopped.

There was a big commotion on the left, so I made for it. By asking questions from all the farmers around me I finally gathered this story. For the last 10 years the Michigan College of Agriculture has been fostering and conducting the contest that I will tell you about. They are, of course, attempting to increase interest in the beautiful teams entered.

The team is hitched to the back end of a huge truck covered with men, with the front wheels resting on a sled so that they cannot turn; they slide instead. The final pull of the contest that I arrived in time to see was 3,200 pounds. The teams competed with varying success. If the team began to slow and not pull, it was called a trial and they unhitched and returned for two more trials. Those teams were gorgeous. The winning one was not as pretty as some, one being gray and the other black. But they settled down and dragged that load 28 feet with the crowd cheering.

Later when the winner was announced, he had to return and again hitch his team for an exhibition pull. The announcer told laughingly that the winner said that his wife could drive that team better that he could and that he thought he would let her drive the last time. I thought that it was just talk, but not at all, she not only drove them but she DID beat him, both in horsemanship and distance.

Some of us who think that we have done a good day’s job to drive a modern car to St. Louis in a day, should try that a while. There will never be any need for that woman to stand on the back of her neck and ride a bicycle (Don’t think that I am belittling that trick either.) She was about five feet six inches and weighed about 145 and was lean and powerful looking. I would like to be like her. My hat is off to her.